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There are six different sizes of houses for players to choose from in The Elder Scrolls Online, including: hotel rooms, apartments, small houses, medium houses, large houses and manors. These dimensions depend on the amount of furniture they can hold and the price range. Players who want to get these houses need to use ESO Gold, which is the only currency of Elder Scrolls Online, and players can do various tasks in the game to get it.
In addition, players can also Buy Elder Scrolls Online Gold online, and IGGM is a good choice. First of all, it has a 100% secure online payment system, and there is no risk in the player's payment process. Secondly, once players encounter any problems, its 24/7 Live Chat will deal with them in a timely manner. Even if the player's order is delayed or not shipped, they will ensure a 100% refund. Now if players become IGGM VIP members, they can also enjoy up to 5% discount. In addition, this store has Thanksgiving activities from November 23rd to November 30th, players can use code "Thanks" to get 5% OFF. Hurry up and don't miss it!